General Information for Death Certificate/ Registration General Information for Death Certificate/ Registration

Airport Health Organization under Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India has notified that for obtaining public health clearance of dead bodies and cremated remains transported by international airlines at Indian airports, as per the The Aircraft (Public Health) Rules, 1954, the following needs to be observed:

1. The consignee as well as the air transport service shall give intimation to the Health Officer of the airport regarding importation of the dead body or human remains or ashes of the cremated bodies, at least 48 hours before its arrival.

2. There should be a proper Death Certificate issued by a Medical Officer in English or translated into English in respect of the dead body. As per international health regulations of WHO, Death Certificate should be in English or French only. The translation of Death Certificate sometimes causes undue delay and frustration among the attendants.

3. The Death Certificate showing cause of death as pending or mentioned as cause of death to be ascertained after postmortem or cause of death unknown or as natural death shall render the Death Certificate as invalid and the dead body/human remain shall not be granted NOC by Health Officer of the airport.

4. Embalming Certificate should be enclosed.

5. The NOC should be obtained from Indian Embassy/Consulate of the country from where body is being transported to India.

6. As per the Provisions of The Aircraft (Public Health) Rules, 1954 Part IV Rule No.41 no person shall bring into India any dead-body or human remains of persons who may have died of yellow fever, plague, anthrax, glanders or any other diseases as may be notified by the Government of India for this purpose. Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to properly cremated ashes of dead bodies or human remains.